Notice of Meeting - 42nd IPSC General Assembly

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Max Käär
Posts: 212
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 06:14
Location: Vantaa

Notice of Meeting - 42nd IPSC General Assembly

Post by Max Käär »

Dear Regional Directors,

Please accept this communication as the notice convening the forty-second IPSC General Assembly to be held in Pattaya, Thailand on 16 September, 2018.

As usual, motions will not be accepted from the floor of the meeting, except where specifically permitted by the IPSC Constitution. This way Regions which are unable to attend will have the opportunity to vote by proxy on the specific agenda motions, and Regional Directors present will have had the opportunity to consult with their Regional Directorate prior to the meeting.

Any Region that has failed to meet their financial obligations to IPSC by 31 July, 2018 will not be entitled to a vote in the General Assembly. If at the date of the Final Agenda any Region is more than ninety days in arrears a motion will be made to declare the Region vacant. If you are unsure of your status, please contact the IPSC office immediately.

Any Region that wishes to have an item included in the Final Agenda must notify this office within thirty days of receipt of this notice. Such notification must include the wording of any proposal.

As we have moved from Canada to Sweden the agenda and procedure from this General Assembly onwards will differ slightly from previous years. This to comply with requirements connected to having moved our legal entity to Sweden. Membership fees, even if unchanged must be approved annually for example.

For event planning purposes we kindly ask you to let the IPSC office know if you will be able to attend.

I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating together our forty-second General Assembly.

Business attire is expected.

Vitaly Kryuchin

Provisional Agenda of the Forty-Second IPSC General Assembly,
A-One The Royal Cruise Hotel, Pattaya, Thailand on 16 September, 2018, 9:00am

1. Opening of meeting
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. IPSC Secretary to present list of voting Regions and proxies
4. IPSC President to appoint two tellers
5. IPSC President and Executive Council reports
6. Introduction and brief report from Regional Directors
7. Approval of the minutes of the forty-first IPSC General Assembly
8. IPSC Treasurer's Report and approval of the previous year's accounts
9. Appointment of the auditor
10. Membership fees
11. Vice President for New Regions report
12. Final acceptance of provisional Regions
13. Acceptance of provisional new Regions
14. Declaration of vacant Regions when more than ninety days in arrears
15. Annual Regional Status recognition

16. Director reports
17. Rules Committee report
18. Constitution Committee report
19. GAISF membership application report

20. MISSIA (Master International Shooting Safety Instructor Association)
21. Global Competitor ID platform for L3/L4/L5 matches
22. Rules Amendments

Competition Updates
23. 2019 Latin American Handgun Championship (ARG)
24. 2019 European Handgun Championship (SRB)
25. 2019 Australasia Handgun Championship (PHI)
26. 2020 Handgun World Shoot XIX (THA)

Competition Venues
27. Rifle World Shoot II
28. African Handgun Championship
29. European Rifle Championship
30. Far East Asian Handgun Championship
31. Pan-American Handgun Championship
32. Action Air World Shoot II
33. Shotgun World Shoot IV

34. Date and place of next IPSC General Assembly
35. Any Other Business
36. Adjournment
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