IPSC president news

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Taisto Takkumaki
Posts: 1703
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 19:31

IPSC president news

Post by Taisto Takkumaki »

Every year, the first couple of months are for planning, so we traditionally use this time for our executive meeting.

This year we held our strategy meeting in conjunction with the IWA Show in Germany.

In addition to the myriad of topics that we covered during the intensive 2-day meeting, the IWA Show gives us an excellent opportunity to catch up informally with many Regional Directors and other key people in the shooting world.

I'm delighted to announce that Sasja Barentsen, Netherlands Regional Director, has accepted the increasingly crucial role of IPSC Legislative Director. Sasja is a dynamic individual and well-informed of the ongoing activities currently playing out in Europe. Sasja has been in the forefront of recent communications among European Regional Directors and I am sure we are going to hearing much more from him in the very near future.

I'm also pleased to announce that Taisto Takkumaki of Finland is the new IPSC Rifle Director. Taisto is a prominent and active rifle aficionado who brings with him decades of experience. I want to thank outgoing Rifle Director, Tim Andersen, IPSC Denmark for his many years of valuable service.


Both IPSC Secretary, Dimitris Tzimas and Sasja Barentsen will be attending the upcoming SportAccord Convention in Lausanne, Switzerland to learn firsthand just how SportAccord will be restructured and, of course, the status of our membership application. We remain positive with more information soon available.

In an effort to improve distribution efficiency, we will begin operation of a 'float' system for President's Medals. Regions frequently holding Level III matches will be sent a small stock of medals in advance as a float. The Regions will draw from that float for the match and IPSC will replenish based on the match results received. This system should be much more efficient and eliminate the delivery time lag.

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the International Practical Shooting Confederation, a quite significant milestone, I'm excited to announce that CZ, Tanfoglio and STI have all agreed to produce commemorative pistols. More details will be released once the final designs have been approved, but I can assure you that these pistols will be beautiful versions of their most amazing models.

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