NROI-ratatuomareita 2022 Pan American - kisoihin

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Riku Kalinen
Posts: 1002
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 09:44

NROI-ratatuomareita 2022 Pan American - kisoihin

Post by Riku Kalinen »

Jos on kiinnostuneita lähtijöitä niin laittakaa sähköpostia nroifin ät gmail piste com. Ilmoitan sitten nimilistan kootusti (jos tulee yli 4 niin priorisoin listan).
As you already know, the first Level IV event, the Pan American Handgun
Championship, which is taking place at Frank Garcia’s Range in
Florida, will be the biggest event since the beginning of COVID19.

After a long conversation with Frank it was decided that the NROI Range
officers should be offered the opportunity to attend and officiate at
this prestigious event.

1 – 4 NROI Officials will be accepted per Region, with the host
provides the following benefits:

a) To shoot the match for free
b) Accommodation (2 persons/room) check-in Sept. 11th, check-out
Sept. 22nd
c) Breakfast, lunch, plus $20.00 per diem for dinner.
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