IPSC vs. Ukrainan tilanne

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Riku Kalinen
Posts: 1002
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 09:44

IPSC vs. Ukrainan tilanne

Post by Riku Kalinen »

Seuraavat ovat voimassa, kunnes toisin ilmoitetaan:

1. IPSC 28.2.2022 alkaen

We condemn the breach of peace committed by the Russian government.

At this morning’s extraordinary Executive Council Meeting the
following actions were decided:

That the 2023 Action Air World Shoot scheduled for Sochi, Russia is

That all future international matches (Level III and above) scheduled
in Russia have been cancelled and have their sanctioning removed.

2. IPSC 3.3.2022 alkaen

Following the decision of the IOC, the IPSC Executive Council decided at
the meeting in IWA Exhibition to further extend sanctions so that
neither athletes nor Range Officers from IPSC Russia and IPSC Belarus
will be allowed to take part in any IPSC Level III to V matches.

This decision entered into force at 15:00 CET on March 3, 2022, and it
is valid until further notice.

3. Pohjoismaat 6.3.2022 alkaen

Further clarification of current sanctions from IPSC Executive Council.
In light of the current situation, the Regional Directors and boards of the Nordic IPSC Regions wish to clarify that Competitors or Match Officials from Russia or Belarus cannot compete nor officiate in any Level of IPSC competition, including Level I or Level II competitions in any of the four Nordic countries. It is also not possible for members from IPSC Russia or IPSC Belarus to transfer region to any of the Nordic countries. The reason being that the regions in question are currently under sanction from IPSC Executive Council. (See rule Also, none of the members of the Nordic countries are allowed to compete or officiate in matches of any level in Russia or Belarus. The above decisions are in effect until further notice. Roland Dahlman, RD Sweden Mikael Ekberg, RD Finland Hugo Hansen, RD Norway Mark Weisinger, RD Denmark
Riku Kalinen
Posts: 1002
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 09:44

Re: IPSC vs. Ukrainan tilanne

Post by Riku Kalinen »

Jaosto on 27.7.2023 kokouksessaan päättänyt pitää pohjoismaiset pakotteet edelleen voimassa.

Emme kuitenkaan halua toistaiseksi palata vanhaan malliin, jossa kaikki TA-listalle merkitsemiset vaativat jaoston ao toimihenkilön hyväksynnän.

Näin ollen kehotamme seuroja erityiseen tarkkaavaisuuteen Venäjältä ja Valko-Venäjältä muuttaneiden henkilöiden merkitsemisessä TA-listalle. Jos on epäselvyyttä siitä, onko henkilö pakotteiden alainen vai ei, on ennen TA-listalle merkitsemistä oltava yhteydessä jaoston puheenjohtajaan tai varapuheenjohtajaan.
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