Kirje Venäjältä

Rifle World Shoot 2017 Venäjällä

Moderators: Aki Pakka, Mode_yle

Mikael Ekberg
Posts: 434
Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:42

Kirje Venäjältä

Post by Mikael Ekberg »

Dear participants!

Less and less time remains before the start of the grand event - the First Rifle World Shoot 2017! We are looking forward to it and are actively preparing it with the hope that everything will go perfectly, and you will get unforgettable impressions, both from the competition itself and from visiting our country!

In the process of preparation we will have news, announcements, new functionality on the site and important coordination moments for you. All this you can learn through the site, as well as through our e-mail newsletter.

So, let's go!

- 1. In your personal account on the site there is a new option - on-line chat. Now you can ask all the questions you are interested in using this chat.
We expect a large flow of requests to us, so we want to warn in advance that our response may not be instant, but we will reply within 24 hours. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
If there are no operators on-line, your request sent through the form will be received and will be answered within 24 hours.
To speed up our work, we ask you to write your login, which you use when enter the site (you do not need to write a password) when requesting (especially if this is your first request).Time of on-line operators: Mon. - Fri. From 09:00 to 18:00 (Moscow time).

- 2. In your personal account there is a new section in which it is necessary to specify exact information on your arrival and departure. If you haven't bought your tickets yet, as soon as you purchase them, immediately fill in this section.

We need this information to coordinate the work of the border guard service and to make border control more comfortable for you.

If you have any questions during the filling in the form or you don't find in the drop-down lists the points of your crossing of the Russian border, please write about it in on-line chat. We will try to respond as soon as possible and make the necessary changes so that you can fill in the form correctly and completely.

Unlike the "My Data" section, the forms in this section are not blocked and, if necessary, you can make changes, but don't forget to save them.

- 3. In your personal account there is a new section in which you can send us a request for visa invitations to Russia for your relatives and friends. Also (13.04) in this section there will be the possibility of "booking" one FREE ticket for the award ceremony (a button will be added opposite the "Your friends" questionnaires).

One participant can bring only 1 person with him, other people will need to purchase tickets. The ticket price for the award ceremony is 40 Euro (the number of tickets is limited). Free booking is possible only through the "My Account" on the site.

- 4. There is very little time left before the start of the Rifle World Championship, and we currently have 103 unfilled accounts (participants who didn't fill in "My Account" section):Dear Regional Directors, if your country is in the list, you should contact us by e-mail to find out which participants haven't submitted their data yet. This is very important, since without the data we can't make a permit for the import / export of weapons to Russia and these participants won't be able to come to the Rifle World Championship 2017.

List of the countries:










Czech Republic










































New Zealand












South Africa






Sri Lanka






United States


- 5. Dear competitors, If you are interested in renting a weapon, please write your request at Please write "Rent" in the topic of the letter and at the beginning of the letter write your login for the web page

- 6. Brief information on important pages of the World Championship website:

News feed (the preparation for the competition, and many other interesting things) -
Recommended hotels to stay in Russia -
Contact persons responsible for different areas of the world championship -
About the Park "Patriot" (the place where the World Championship will be held) - - added google map

- 7. P.S. Unfortunately, due to the large number of e-mails we send out, our e-mails sometimes fall into the spam folder, so we recommend checking it periodically.

To date, these are all the news and updates we wanted to tell you about!

Thank you very much for your attention and see you soon
Mikael Ekberg
Posts: 434
Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:42

Re: Kirje Venäjältä

Post by Mikael Ekberg »


Dear participants!

There are only 34 days left before the start of the Rifle World Championship 2017! We are working hard on preparation this wonderful event. We are looking forward to the day when we all gather on the beautiful square of the Patriot Park and in the festive atmosphere we will hold the opening ceremony and start our competitions!

In the last news release, we published a new functionality of our website which was done for your convenience. Through online chat and mail, we received a huge number of questions, having analyzed them, we identified a number of difficulties that you encounter and found solutions that will help eliminate most of them.

So, let's go:
1.The most important!
We noticed that not everyone gets our newsletter:
- our emails get into spam;
- when completing the form, some of you indicated an additional e-mail,
because of that only 60% of competitors received and read our emails. Therefore, we found a solution and now we will additionally duplicate our main news on the site - publications will be here
For your convenience, we determine the exact time when there will be our newsletter and publication on the site - every Wednesday at 12:00 (MSC). If suddenly you do not receive our newsletter at this time, then visit the site and read the Important News from the organizers.
Because of the problem described above, it is very important for us that EVERY participant of the competition reads this newsletter, so we ask you to send it to your friends-participants of the World Championship, since it is possible they didn't get this letter directly from us!
1.We received a lot of appeals from you and to our regret, we were not ready for such a quantity that affected the response time. We analyzed the topics of your appeals and to speed up the solution of your problems, we want to introduce you the individual specialists in each direction:
- To get invitations for Russian visa – Valeriya
- To get gun import permit – Denis
- Technical issues about problems at the web page - – Denis
- Other issues connected with the championship and not related to the topics mentioned above – Olga
1.We ask you to fill the arrival and accommodation fields as soon as possible–
Yesterday, we added an online order form for match ammunition with invoicing. To all who entered the data into the form in the section Match cartridges and who sent pre-order to e-mail (and did not receive an invoice for payment), it is necessary to order cartridges and receive an invoice for payment through this online form. The order form appears every time you enter "My office". After the order you will have the opportunity to download an invoice, also a link using which you will be able to download the invoice will be sent to your e-mail specified in the registration form.

No more urgent news, wait for the next block of news this Wednesday (05/05/2017) at 12:00 Moscow time.

Best regards,
Rifle World Championship Team

P.S. And please resend it to your shooters.
Mikael Ekberg
Posts: 434
Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:42

Re: Kirje Venäjältä

Post by Mikael Ekberg »

Dear participants!
There are only 34 days left before the start of the Rifle World Championship 2017! We are working hard on preparation this wonderful event. We are looking forward to the day when we all gather on the beautiful square of the Patriot Park and in the festive atmosphere we will hold the opening ceremony and start our competitions!
In the last news release, we published a new functionality of our website which was done for your convenience. Through online chat and mail, we received a huge number of questions, having analyzed them, we identified a number of difficulties that you encounter and found solutions that will help eliminate most of them.
So, let's go:
The most important!
We noticed that not everyone gets our newsletter:
- our emails get into spam;
- when completing the form, some of you indicated an additional e-mail,
because of that only 60% of competitors received and read our emails. Therefore, we found a solution and now we will additionally duplicate our main news on the site - publications will be here
For your convenience, we determine the exact time when there will be our newsletter and publication on the site - every Wednesday at 12:00 (MSC). If suddenly you do not receive our newsletter at this time, then visit the site and read the Important News from the organizers.
Because of the problem described above, it is very important for us that EVERY participant of the competition reads this newsletter, so we ask you to send it to your friends-participants of the World Championship, since it is possible they didn't get this letter directly from us!
We received a lot of appeals from you and to our regret, we were not ready for such a quantity that affected the response time. We analyzed the topics of your appeals and to speed up the solution of your problems, we want to introduce you the individual specialists in each direction:
- To get invitations for Russian visa – Valeriya
- To get gun import permit – Denis
- Technical issues about problems at the web page - – Denis
- Other issues connected with the championship and not related to the topics mentioned above – Olga
We ask you to fill the arrival and accommodation fields as soon as possible–
Yesterday, we added an online order form for match ammunition with invoicing. To all who entered the data into the form in the section Match cartridges and who sent pre-order to e-mail (and did not receive an invoice for payment), it is necessary to order cartridges and receive an invoice for payment through this online form. The order form appears every time you enter "My office".  After the order you will have the opportunity to download an invoice, also a link using which you will be able to download the invoice will be sent to your e-mail specified in the registration form.
No more urgent news, wait for the next block of news this Wednesday (05/05/2017) at 12:00 Moscow time.
Best regards,
Rifle World Championship Team 

P.S. And please resend it to your shooters. 
Mikael Ekberg
Posts: 434
Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:42

Re: Kirje Venäjältä

Post by Mikael Ekberg »

Dear Regional Director!

Three weeks left before the start of the Rifle World Shoot 2017 and our team is working hard to ensure that the match took place, and all our guests came and participated in this event.

I want to get information from you about how your shooters are doing. Have all of them received the documents? Are they ready for the trip? Have their passports, weapons, permits not been changed? Did everyone get a visa?
Now we still have time to fix or change any errors and backlogs.

Additionally, I would very much like to receive the following information from the shooters:
-the time of crossing the border with Russia
-place of crossing the border
-transport, which will intersect the border (if the car, then let them indicate the number)

This will help the shooters to pass control very quickly without a queue and in a special order.
The Customs Department of Russia especially for our match organizes a special order of crossing the border for the match participants, and all of them will be able to pass customs procedures in an accelerated order and without a queue that may arise at the beginning of the holiday season.

Also, in order to facilitate the crossing of the border, ask the shooters to fill in the Customs Declaration (the link is in the Personal Area ) and if possible send a copy to my e-mail . We will check all the declarations and we will be sure that they are properly filled and the participants will not encounter problems at the border.
In any case, all documents can be issued right on the border, but it will take some time.

I apologize for the bother you, but we really want to avoid complications in the regular time of the match and try to do all the work in advance.
Thank you for your help and understanding.

Andrey Fjodorov