Sääntötulkintoja 2018

Tiedotuskanava ajankohtaisille sekä yleisille asioille.
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Max Käär
Posts: 212
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 06:14
Location: Vantaa

Sääntötulkintoja 2018

Post by Max Käär »

Three rules interpretations were approved by the IPSC President and Executive Council at a meeting held in Chateauroux, France in conjunction with Shotgun World Shoot III.

The interpretations cover extensions of both Family teams and the use of .357 SIG for Major power factor in Standard and Classic division in Handgun. the third interpretation covers the use of a chamber safety flag in Rifle, Shotgun and Mini Rifle. All are subject to ratification at this years General Assembly to be held in Pattaya, Thailand.

The full document can be found at the following link:

Kind regards,

Sasja Barentsen

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