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Taisto Takkumaki
Posts: 1703
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 19:31

L3 kilpailuiden KV-hyväksyntä

Post by Taisto Takkumaki »

IPSC Sanctioning Process – Best Practice
(Juergen Tegge, IPSC Sanctioning Director, 08-06-2018)

MOST IMPORTANT - It is highly recommended that each Region designate their “Sanctioning Expert“, through whom all sanction business should be funneled. This speeds up the process, as this dedicated person will receive constant feedback from the Sanction Committee. So most of the usual errors and a lot of time-consuming and redundant communication can be avoided.
This person can also make sure match packages are submitted with enough lead-time to guarantee the sanction process can be finalized before the match auto-deletes for running too late.

STEP 1 – Match Registration

1.1– Registration: Go to http://www.ipsc.org/matches/regmat.php
Fill in the match registration form and click “submit”. After submitting you will receive a confirmation mail from our system. At the same time, your RD will receive another mail with a link he needs to activate in order to AUTHORIZE your match application.

1.2 - RD approval - Only, if our system receives the “RD approval”, your match will appear at the IPSC Calendar (as “Pending”) and the registrant will receive another system mail.
1.3 – Request sanction - the link provided in that mail must be used to “request sanction”. Once submitted, it will advance the match to “Awaiting Match Package”
If you fail to activate that “request sanction” prompt, the Sanctioning Committee will neither be able to access, nor to review your match package.
As you activate the “request sanction” link, the system will send you another mail containing

ALL MATCH INFO (as registered), and a link you must use to submit the match package.

Special requirement for Grand Tournament
A Grand Tournament must be registered separately from its component matches just like any other match! It will receive a unique Match ID under which you will later send in your “match package” (which is basically only a list of the component matches which – most likely - have already been sanctioned by then. No need to resend all matches/stage descriptions.)
ATTENTION: This Grand Tournament registration must be entered using the date of its final component match! Any entry on our sanctioning calendar will inevitably be deleted at a certain point after the match date, if the system has not received all results and information (e.g. Post Match Report) as required.

STEP 2 – Match Package
Any match only becomes available to us for actual sanctioning, if:
(1) all requirements in STEP 1 have been properly met
(2) the complete match info (as you have received in your final mail from our system) is copied and included while sending the match package.
The match info consists of Match ID number, Match, name, Region, Discipline (Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle, Mini-Rifle, Air, Tournament, Grand Tournament), Place, Club, Match date, and
(3) the complete match package is sent through the link provided, and
(4) all stage designs (illustrations) and all stage descriptions (text) are included in the mail attachment.
2.1 – Deadlines
Make sure to send your match package in a timely manner. Give us at least 30 days to get it reviewed. Your match will auto-delete and disappear from the IPSC website calendar exactly 14 days prior to Match Day 1, if not sanctioned by then.
NO match can be sanctioned retroactively AFTER it has started (or already finished)!
2.2 – Stage Design
Format - We can only accept stage designs in one of the following formats: WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, PDF. So, if you are using a different design program (e.g. CAD, AutoSketch, Corel etc.), you must transfer and save such files in one of the above formats before sending.

Level III to V matches are prestigious sport events. We expect a proper visual presentation.

Handwritten sketches cannot be accepted. For security reasons, we will NEVER download files from external sources, clouds, or websites.

One consecutive document - To facilitate a quick and easy review, we kindly ask you to provide all stage designs/stage descriptions in ONE CONSECUTIVE DOCUMENT where the sanctioner can conveniently access each stage by scrolling through the file.
Number all targets - To enable precise communication between sanctioner and match submitter, make sure to number all targets in the stage illustrations. Please, use only the following abbreviations for labeling/numbering targets: “IT” (= IPSC (paper) Target), “IMT” (= IPSC Mini (paper) Target), “IP” (= IPSC Popper), “IMP” (= IPSC Mini Popper), “PL” (= IPSC Metal Plate), “N/S” (= No-Shoot Target”).
Never use “PP” which signifies the so-called “Pepper Popper”. This is an illegal target in IPSC matches! In stage illustrations, we will accept only images of legal IPSC targets, i.e. NO metric targets, NO Pepper Poppers, no ISSF targets etc.
Start location – Although quite common in USPSA, IPSC will not accept start locations OUTSIDE the designated area. The main reason is: the Fault Lines around the designated area are there to ensure safety by restricting potentially dangerous competitor movement. By starting OUTSIDE the area, the competitor could be inclined, and would be allowed according to IPSC's freestyle principle after the "beep", to avoid the designated area altogether and to approach targets closer than designed or even legal from a general safety standpoint.
Moving targets - Whenever you have activated/moving targets, you must explain in your stage description HOW these targets are activated, and WHETHER THEY WILL BE/REMAIN VISIBLE when at rest.
Vital information – you must always provide “vital” information concerning special props (e.g. tunnels and Cooper tunnels, suspended bridges/platforms, see-saws, as well as activation devices, such as opening doors/ports, stomp-pads, electric/light/IR triggers, etc.)
Target Colors – all No-Shoot targets in one and the same match must be of the same color throughout that match (different from scoring targets). In order to avoid confusion, all scoring targets should also be of one and the same color throughout the match.
Acceptable/Non-Acceptable Target Arrays – Make sure to know and observe all information provided in the “Acceptable/Non-Acceptable Target Array Book” (TAB). Target arrays need to be practical and to represent realistic challenges in a “real-world” environment. The TAB is currently available as part of the IROA Level II Seminar literature and can be downloaded from the Regional Director protected section of www.ipsc.org. Make sure, that all targets arrays are clearly visible in your graphics, so that we may be able to assess them according to our TAB.
Non-Acceptable Props – IPSC will not accept stage props and/or decorations deemed to harm our image as a pure sport, that includes (but is not limited to) military hardware (e.g. tanks, barbed wire, sand-bagged gun positions and/or trenches etc.) The “realistic” challenges do NOT MEAN obvious scenarios, such as “hostage situations”, “anti-terror missions”, “shoot-outs”, etc.
Stage Names - Please, also refrain from giving your stages misleading or objectionable names (containing terms such as e.g. “shootout”, “assault”, “attack”, “massacre”, “firestorm”, etc. – yes, we have seen all those!)
2.3 – Required information (stage description) – see IPSC Rule 3.2.1
Needless to say that all stage descriptions must be in ENGLISH
This Rule outlines exactly what information needs to be provided. Do not list anything which is unnecessary or already stipulated by the IPSC Rules, e.g. “Rules: IPSC Handbook, latest edition” (whatever that is), “Scoring: Comstock” (only option in IPSC), “Scoring: 2 hits on paper, steel must fall to score” (only mention, if required hits are different from that, e.g. 1 or 3), “Penalties according to IPSC Rules” (what else?), “in any order”(IPSC principle), “freestyle”(IPSC principle”), “as they become visible” (makes sense!), “from inside a properly designated shooting area” (the Rules state penalties for shots fired from OUTSIDE that area).
Targets – list targets properly (abbreviations may only be used in the drawings): “IPSC Target” (IT), “IPSC Mini Target” (IMT), “IPSC Popper” (IP), “IPSC Mini Popper” (IMP), “IPSC Metal Plate” (PL), and “No-Shoot Target”(N/S) in Handgun IPSC. Shotgun and Rifle have a number of additional targets: “IPSC Universal Target” (IUT), “A3 Target”(A3), “A4 Target”(A4), and “Clay” (CL).
(Number of) Rounds to be scored – (do not simply use “minimum rounds”, “scoring”, or “rounds”)
Firearm Ready Condition - Although common and certainly not against the Rules, we try to eliminate all unnecessary information from the stage descriptions.
"Loaded and holstered" is the standard/default and therefore it does not have to be mentioned.
Only mention the deviation from the norm. For that purpose use the following terms:
"Chamber empty, magazine inserted" (plus where the handgun is located, e.g. "on the table", or "holstered")
"Chamber and magwell empty" (plus where the handgun is located, e.g. "on the table/barrel", or "holstered")
Start position – Rule 8.2.2 describes the standard/default position (“standing erect, facing downrange, with hands hanging naturally by the sides”. You need not write all this in the stage description unless something is different, e.g. “hands on marks”, “or “sitting on a chair …” etc.)
If a special start position would require a complicated description, just add “… as demonstrated” to the text and brief all ROs properly to demonstrate that start position consistently.
The easiest, and most sensible start position is “standing anywhere inside the area”.
Time starts – audible or visual signal (do not mention “time stops” as there is no other option but “Last shot” in HG)
Procedure – To say “Upon signal engage targets” is sufficient in most cases! If there are special or unusual requirements in the “procedure” (e.g. special props, such as suspended platforms, tunnels, Cooper tunnels, moving targets, disappearing targets, etc.) you need to list them, and to describe their purpose. In the case of moving targets, you need to specify (1) how they are activated, and (2) whether they will be/remain visible at rest.
(Safety Angles) – 90° in all directions is the default and need not be mentioned. Only state the deviation from the norm, e.g. (most commonly) “top of the backstop”, or “marked by red flags”, or similar).

STEP 3 - After the Match

Immediately after your match you need to take care of the following two actions:
Both items are available via the “Results” pull-down menu at www.ipsc.org
Select and follow instructions!

3.1 Submit Match Results

3.2 Submit Post Match Report

Unless you do this, your match will disappear from the list of sanctioned matches and President’s Medals cannot be awarded (or will have to be returned).

The Sanctioning Committee is not in charge of medal delivery!
President’s Medals for every sanctioned match will be provided by your Regional Directorate (or by your Association). IPSC sends a “float” of medals (equivalent to medals actually awarded in the previous year) to the Regional Directorate. (If a Regional Directorate has not as yet received such initial shipment, you need to contact medals@ipsc.org who will send you a form to complete and ship medals to you.)
After IPSC have received Match Results and the Post Match Report to a match, the number of President’s Medals which have actually been awarded will be replenished via the postal service. Please, make sure, IPSC always has your Region’s current mailing address!
Get your own Armalite!
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