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IPSC president tiedottaa huhtikuu 2010

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 18:58
by Taisto Takkumaki
We are excited to announce that IPSC has embarked on an ambitious project that will advance the IPSC web site to the next level.

We have enrolled the services of an integrated design and web production team to provide IPSC with the latest cutting-edge technology. It will be an uncomplicated, user-friendly restructuring that will include lots of visuals and graphics.

Along with enhancing our existing web site pages we are also discussing:

- A quarterly high-quality IPSC e-magazine covering our larger competitions, match results, competitor equipment, new stuff, member profiles, etc.

- A Twitter account to allow members to get IPSC news immediately.

- A comprehensive on-line match system that will allow Match Directors to organize matches from the original concept through to the final cleanup.

- A complete on-line automated Level III match sanctioning process.

- Enhanced Regional web site support, integration, and assistance.

For the new web site, we are seeking interesting, high-quality action videos and photographs. Please feel free to send any videos, photos, or graphics that you think might compliment the new IPSC web site to graphics ät

We hope to have the new web site up-and-running toward the end of summer.

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